I was born in Rome in 1971. I graduated from university in 1994 with a degree in law; a couple of years later I won a scholarship and began working in a school. In 1998 I attempted to run a marathon and failed.
In 2000 I ran my first half-marathon. I got married. In 2001 I obtained a second university degree in philosophy.
In 2005 I reentered, officially, the Jewish community of Rome, from which my family had been absent for two generations, starting with the anti-Jewish "racial laws" of the 1930's. In the same year I began to write.
In 2006 there appeared my first book, "La parola ritrovata" (The word recovered), published by Giuntina. In 2015 I published "Solo per un giorno" (For just one day), and in 2017 "Il museo delle penultime cose" (The museum of the penultimate things), which was awared the Lugnano Prize for 2017, both books being published by 66thand2nd.
On the side, I have written two essays of literary criticism, one of contemporary history, and another handful for legal reviews. My most recent essay, "Questi sono i nomi. Storia di un ritorno" (These are the names. Story of a return) is an autobiographical account, and was published in 2017 in the collection "Ebreo chi? Sociologia degli ebrei italiani oggi" (Jew – who? Sociology of Italian Jews today), published by Jaca Book.
Since 2011 I have worked at the Italian Constitutional Court. In 2013 I graduated with a degree in Jewish Studies from the Italian Rabbinical College; my thesis was awarded the "Maurizio Pontecorvo prize" by the University of Rome La Sapienza.
In 2013 I ran my first marathon. In 2014, my last. Both in under 4 hours. In 2015 I had my personal best in the half-marathon: one hour, thirty-six minutes, and thirty-two seconds.
I am married to Stefania and have two sons, Giosuè and Jacopo.
I continue to run and to write.